Quiz – Html Quiz -3

No. of Questions – 1 to 20.

You can study about the HTML Series:



#1. Which of the following is an example of an empty HTML element?

#2. What is the purpose of HTML elements?

#3. What is the difference between an HTML element and an HTML tag?

#4. Which of the following elements is NOT considered a block-level element in HTML?

#5. Block-level elements in HTML typically:

#6. Which of the following is an example of an inline HTML element?

#7. Inline HTML elements are primarily used for:

#8. What is the term for HTML elements that can contain other elements, i.e., be nested?

#9. In HTML, what is the recommended order for closing nested tags?

#10. In HTML, why is it advisable to include the closing tag for elements, even if some elements display correctly without it?

#11. Which HTML element is used for creating an ordered list?

#12. Which HTML element is used to define the structure of a table?

#13. Which HTML element is used to create a hyperlink to an email address?

#14. What does the HTML <div> element represent?

#15. What does the HTML <form> element do?

#16. Which HTML element is used to define the structure of an HTML document and contains metadata?

#17. Which HTML element is used to create a hyperlink?

#18. Which HTML element is used to display a line break within text?

#19. Which HTML element is used to create a table row?

#20. What is the purpose of the <iframe> element in HTML?
