Quiz – Html Quiz -9

No. of Questions – 1 to 10.

You can study about the HTML Series:



#1. What is the purpose of the HTML <fieldset> element?

#2. Which HTML attribute is used to define the source URL of an embedded iframe?

#3. In HTML, what does the acronym "WAI-ARIA" stand for?

#4. Which HTML tag is used to create a numbered list item within an ordered list?

#5. What is the purpose of the HTML <address> element?

#6. Which HTML tag is used for creating a hyperlink to a different section within the same webpage?

#7. What does the HTML attribute "contenteditable" do when applied to an element?

#8. In HTML, what does the <progress> element represent?

#9. Which HTML attribute is used to specify the relationship between the current document and an external resource, like a stylesheet or script?

#10. What is the purpose of the HTML <samp> element?
